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Sky Test: Set Background

For the first time since September 2005, tiger_gram was over taken for the Spades Cup Award for August 2007. Congratulations to Tiger_Gal37_DA for a great showing posting 45 banners to gram's 41 banners. In 2005, TigerPenuche posted 42 banners to over take gram. This is only the third time this century that gram was moved to the runner-up spot. Former Tiger_Annie_DA with 55 banners was successful in June 2004.

Not to be out shined, tiger_gram posted the first Spades TOC win banner this month. Gram and her pard, Wyld_N_Lucky won the Breakfast Club Tournament of Champions event on August 17th. Tiger_Blossom_DA made a great showing with 25 earned banners. Also hitting the honorable mention categatory are Tiger_KingLions, 15 banners, and, Tiger_Lilacs with 11. A total of 164 banners were posted - 137 Spades and 27 Cribbage.

I spoke with tiger_gram prior to posting this report, and she congratulated Tiger_Gal37_DA for her splendid playing and she is very pleased to see the Tigers return to the tourney rooms on GamingPeak. "I love it when they show up and play - it inspires me to play as much as possible. I just look forward to the day GP offers more tourneys. They are badly in need of more hosts."

I am sure those who have captured the Spades Cup from gram over the years, realize what a feat it is to continously play at the level of competition that gram does. Thank you, Bonnie for making the competition tough and the dedication tougher. You are one remarkable lady.

My personal congratulations to Tiger_Gal37_DA for the hard work and wonderful tourney performances the past couple of months. Not only does Gal play tourneys, she is also the team captain of the Tiger Tails in NIL leagues, and has a baby plus other children at home. A full plate to say the least.

Retaining Cribbage honors for August is Tiger_Gabby__DA. Gabby plays at the Gamer Shack and is co-captain of Tiger Cubs in NIL. She has been the one running that team in the absence of Tiger_Scorp_Adm. Gabby also has her husband at home recovering from his recent illness. Another busy lady who always finds time to lend herself to Tigers.

On Labor Day, NIL teams held another TLC (Teams Loving Challenges). It ran from 10 AM EDT to 10 PM EDT. 97 Spades matches were played. It was the first time in months that all four head adminstrators of Tigers were online playing. Was great to have Tiger_Lady43, Tiger_LSUfan_Adm and Tiger_Scorp_Adm joining me in NIL. Was a fun day for all.

Tiger_Scruffy_DA is the developer and organizer of the TLC meets. She has done a great job and we invite all Tigers to sign up and play with us in the NIL Leagues & Tigers Den room on GamingPeak. If you do not want to do team play, join the Singles Ladder - it was established as an answer to Rated Rooms on the Zone. By belonging, you can come play Singles anytime and someone is always looking for a game. Again, thank you, Scruffy and all your committee members.

NIL team players of the month - so far announced are: TigerBlossom_DA - Tiger Pride Team; Tiger__Sumo - Tiger Pack Team.

To all our members, thank you for your constant display of Tiger Pride throughout ALL tourney rooms and play sites on the Internet.

Tiger_Tale, Den Leader



tiger_gram/Tiger_Kinglions (winners) TDz Ohh Gee Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/catmanjohn (second) DaH Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/reneck2thebone (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/FHF_flower (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_WindancerDA/TDz_Map (winners) Sailing Spaders Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/RnR_GucciAngel (second) Sailing Spaders Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/_4KM_MystcAngel (winners) Sailing Spaders Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Tiger_free (winners) Sailing Spaders Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Tiger_lilacs (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Hazmac0 (1st) Shack Ups Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (3rd) Shack Ups Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/SSs_Froggyman (winners) Sailing Spades Club Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Hip_Flamingo (second) Sailing Spades Club Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA/Tiger_Des_DA (second) Sailing Spaders Club Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/chrisnorfolk (second) Sailing Spaders Club Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/HH_RedruM (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (second) TDz Life Is A Party Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/Bobo_DaH_Clown (winners) Gamingpeak Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/HH_TimidFlame (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/Speckpup (second) TDz Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Tiger_Doctor_DA (winners) Happy Hippy's Marathon Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/SS_Molly (winners) Happy Hippy's Marathon Spades Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/sinner (second) Happy Hippy's Marathon Spades Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/SS_Molly (second) Happy Hippy's Marathon Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Shack Ups Cribbage Tourney
TIGER_Kruel_Dude/Tiger_free (second) Fox Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney #1
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney #2
tiger_gram/HIP_delightful (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tiger_Kinglions (second) TDz Life is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/SSs_Rifleman (second) Blood Hunters ALT Spades Tourney
Tiger_neurorn/n/a (winners) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/Tiger_free (second) Junkie's ALT Spades Tourney
Tiger_free_/HH_Wacky (winners) Sailing Spaders Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/ANIMFREE (winners) TDz_Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Best Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/_3KM_MystcAngel (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (3rd) Shack Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/NoComent (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Cat/HIP)delightful (winners) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/ANIMFREE (winners) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA(winners) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/HIP_delightful (second) Spicey Spades Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/ Icon_Annie (winners) Hâpp¥ Hïþþy's Mågi¢ Çã®pët Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA /Tiger_newrorn (winners) HunTers-in-aPaCk Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA /Tiger_newrorn (winners) Rock~n~Rollerz Alt Spades Tourney
Tiger_Duchess/Bobo_DaH_Clown (winners) Gamingpeak Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TDz_Foxy_lil_Nipper (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/WWoS_FoxyFox (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/Spadalo (winners) TDz Life Is A Party Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Lobby_Junkie (winners) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Icon_Annie (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Fiver/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Blossom_DA/Walk_This_Way (second) DaH Club Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Fama_Fox (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/mjo (winners) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/HH_LaZeR (second) TDz Life is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Gizmo (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA /Tiger_newrorn (winners) Junky's Whiz Spades Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/TDZ_BeerKing (second) Junky's Whiz Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA /Tiger_newrorn (winners) Rock~n~Rollerz Breakfast Club Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/TDZ_BeerKing (second) Rock~n~Rollerz Breakfast Club Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/HH_LaZeR (winners) Mav's Fox Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/ANIMIFREE (second) DaH Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tiger_NiteHawk (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tiger_NiteHawk (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/redneck2thebone (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Icon_Annie (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney#1
tiger_gram/Icon_Annie (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney#2
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Tiger_Des_DA (winners) TDz Oh Gee Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/aussie2 (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Wyld_N_Lucky (winners) Breakfast Club Reg TOC Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Shack Ups Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/TDz_VodkaQueen (second) ICU Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/HH_M1DN1GHT (winners) ICU Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/chrisnorfolk (second) ICU Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/HIP_delightful (second) Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/IP_WHAM (second) Junky's Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/SSs_Cranky (second) TDz Life is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/HH_M1DN1GHT (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/SSs_Cudaman (winners) Bahs Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/SS_HunkyOne (second) Happy Hippies TOC Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/Gizmo (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_neurorn/Tiger_Lilacs (winners) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (second) TDz Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/SAS_man (second) TDz Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tiger_Kinglions (winners) TDz Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
Tiger_Marwan/ Rpo_littlegym (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/ Tiger_Marwan (second) SweetNSnapilicious HH Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/RnR_Molly (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/SS_CrystalBlue (winners) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Tiger_Lilacs (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Rock~n~Rollerz Spades Tourney
Tiger_Mike/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Fox Hunt Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/ HIP_ delightful (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/mylove4spades_ (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/mellymad (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/SS_Nautigal (second) Super Sonic Adventure Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tiger_Kinglions (winners) Rock~n~Rollerz Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tail_Chasing_Fox_ (winners) DaH Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/SSs_Jude (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/_B2B_y420_2day2_ (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/redneck2thebone (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Mike/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Sailing Spades Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TDz_Darlin_lil_Nip (winners) TDz Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/NoComent (winners) TDz Life Is A PaRtY Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/RnR_RoxyMan (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/SS_slip (winners) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/Trump_This (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/ Tiger_Doctor_DA (second) Foxy Pajama Party Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (3rd) Shack Cribbage Picnic Tourney
tiger_gram/RpO_Speedy2 (winners) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/redneck2thebone (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/Foxy_Velvet (second) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/chrisnorfolk (second) _junky's ALT Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA /Tiger_newrorn (second) _junky's ALT Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/DreemzComeTrue (winners) TSA The Angelic Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/DreemzComeTrue (second) TSA The Angelic Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Pegging Pals Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Mike/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Mike/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney #1
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney #2
Tiger_Gabby__DA (3rd) Black Widow Cribbage TOC Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (1st) Shack Cribbage Tourney #3
tiger_gram/HH_RambleOn (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_lilacs/pp_yorkie5 (winners) Fox Hunt Tourney
Tiger_Doctor_DA/Metal_Babe (second) Happy Hippies Spades Tourney
Tiger_Mike/TigerBlossom_DA (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Showtime Matinees Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Gizmo (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Tiger_lilacs (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/RpO_Speedy2 (second) Spades Tourney
Tiger_Kinglions/Trump_This (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/SSs_EzDeal2 (winners) Happy Hippies Van Excursion Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Jess (second) Sailing Spaders Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/redneck2thebone (second) Breakfast Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (2nd) Shack Ups Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (3rd) Shack Ups Cribbage Tourney
tiger_gram/Carrera_Inc (second) Sailing Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/redneck2thebone (second) Sailing Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/umbrallsun (winners) Fox Club Spades Tourney
TigerBlossom_DA/mollyMo (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/Hip_Flamingo (second) Fox Club Spades Tourney
Tiger_Mike/TigerBlossom_DA (winners) Sailing Spaders Spades Tourney
Tiger_Gabby__DA (3rd) Shack Cribbage Tourney
Tiger_Gal37_DA/redneck2thebone (winners) Breakfast Club Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/Tiger_Kinglions (second) Alt Fox Hunt Spades Tourney
tiger_gram/tiger_george64 (winners) HH Spades Tourney

Great Playing All!!!!

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